Our Friend: Wazeer Brown

by Dave Nimmer, Guest Blogger Wazeer Brown, and his brother Emmanuel, are the first youngsters the Visitation Sisters “met” after they decided to locate their monastery in North Minneapolis in 1989. The two boys, about three and four years old, were standing on the street corner at 16th and Fremont as the Sisters were driving Read more…

On the Road to Emmaus

by S. Suzanne Homeyer, VHM “We were, indeed, pilgrims on the same path, engaging each other in contemplative conversation. We were using the same concepts if not the same language and imagery, and saying so many of the same things. And that, after all, is what it’s all about isn’t it? Read more…

Jane in Rome

by S. Suzanne Homeyer, VHM TRAVEL DOESN’T CHANGE MY DAILY PRAYER LIFE as much as one might think. I begin each day with prayer. As St. Jane de Chantal suggests: “Upon awakening in the morning, turn your thoughts to God present everywhere. Place your heart and your entire being in Read more…

God Comes to Us

by Jody Johnson, Visitation Companion “God comes to us disguised as our lives.” — Richard Rohr Just as thoughts must be released not once, but over and over again during contemplative prayer, so our human weaknesses and flaws must be recognized, acknowledged, and surrendered again and again in our daily lives. Perhaps Read more…

Be Still and Know….

by Jody Johnson, Visitation Companion “Be still and know that I am God.” —Psalm 46:10 Like most journeyers along the contemplative path, I soon learn that silence holds not only peace but challenge. The initial balm I received in stillness has given way to an even louder clamor than before, and Read more…

I Will Lead You into the Desert

by Jody Johnson, Visitation Companion* “I will lead you into the desert, and there I will speak to your heart.” –Hosea 2:16 I’ve come to the desert seeking silence, or seeking to enter into it more fully. I practice contemplative prayer but, if as Thomas Keating says, twenty minutes of Read more…