For some of us, this vocation looks like stepping back from the ways of the world and embracing vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience with the strength of a community. A day in this kind of life could be devoted to prayer, household tasks, and service to the marginalized. This is the life of the Sisters of the Visitation Order.
Each of the current eight Sisters took a different path and ended up in the same Visitation Monastery of Minneapolis. This short video by Melissa Borgmann-Kiemde is an inspiring summary of their calls to religious vocations:
The process for joining the Visitation Order is tailored to each individual dependent on her background and her needs. It is a long seven-year process to give both the individual and community time to embrace their new way of life and to commit to the relationship in full knowledge of mutual expectations. It is composed of five main steps.
1. Inquiry. This is a time when you are in regular communication with the Sisters and get to know them and their mission. We invite you to live among us for three months. You may then want to make an application for entrance into the community.
2. Pre-Novitiate (6-9 months). This is a period of living simply within the monastic community and sharing the life of prayer, community, and ministry while learning more about Salesian Spirituality.
3. Novitiate (2 years). This period allows for further discernment and reflection. With this step, you receive a Visitation medal to wear as a sign of your belonging.
4. First Profession of Vows (3 years). You live the vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience in community as preparation for permanent commitment. With this step, you wear the Visitation cross and as a sign of belonging to the Visitation Order.
5. Final Profession of Vows. You profess life vows, a public, permanent commitment to seeking God according to the Gospel and to the Constitution of the Visitation Order. Education and ministry continue as a lifelong journey with the community.
Are you called to religious life? Are you interested in meeting the Visitation Sisters? We invite you to grow in your discernment by visiting our monastery in Minneapolis, perhaps for a whole weekend. We would love to meet you and speak with you about your calling, whether or not you are destined to join the Visitation Order. It is our pleasure to walk this part of your journey with you.
If you would like to learn more, please contact Sister Katherine Mullin, whose contact information is below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Sr. Katherine Mullin VHM
1615 Fremont Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411 USA
phone: (612) 521-6113
email: kathfmullin (at) gmail.com