with every prayer and request
(Ephesians 6:18)
You are always welcome to join us for prayer,
but please call ahead to confirm times.
Morning Prayer: 7:00 AM Wed/Fri
8:00 AM Mon/Tues/Sat
8:30 AM Sun
Noon Prayer: 12:00 PM Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat
Evening Prayer: 4:45 PM every day except Thu
Night Prayer: 8:15 PM every day except Thu/Fri
7:30 PM Fri
Adoration: 7:00 PM First Fridays
(There is no community prayer on Thursday.)
The Sisters live with each action and each breath as a prayer of thanksgiving, praise, and love to the Lord. When they meet a stranger at their door, they think, “Hello, Jesus.” When they wake up at night, they pray for the homeless trying to sleep on the streets. They choose prayer styles for personal meditation such as Lectio Divina or painting. They spend hours in silence to reflect purposefully on their actions. When they gather for the first time in the morning, they smile and say, “God be praised, good morning dear Sisters.”
They also gather in communal prayer. They attend daily Mass, usually at Ascension Church down the road. On Wednesdays and Fridays, they host the Mass celebration at their monastery. Four times per day, they join religious communities around the world in chanting the Liturgy of the Hours (see the schedule above); the Divine Office gives them opportunity to share reflections on their everyday holy experiences.

Night Prayer in the old Girard house chapel
Everyone is welcome to join the Sisters for prayer. If you are interested in joining, please call ahead to confirm that the prayer times are as listed on this website. Sometimes, schedules are shifted.
Prayer provides a steady rhythm for the Sisters’ daily life. It inspires them to live by the motto of their founder Saint Francis de Sales: “Live Jesus!” The original Gospel story of the Visitation, when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 1:30-56), continues to inspire, refresh, and direct this way of living Jesus.