Our Friend: Wazeer Brown

by Dave Nimmer, Guest Blogger Wazeer Brown, and his brother Emmanuel, are the first youngsters the Visitation Sisters “met” after they decided to locate their monastery in North Minneapolis in 1989. The two boys, about three and four years old, were standing on Read more…

On the Road to Emmaus

by S. Suzanne Homeyer, VHM “We were, indeed, pilgrims on the same path, engaging each other in contemplative conversation. We were using the same concepts if not the same language and imagery, and saying so many of the same things. And Read more…

Jane in Rome

by S. Suzanne Homeyer, VHM TRAVEL DOESN’T CHANGE MY DAILY PRAYER LIFE as much as one might think. I begin each day with prayer. As St. Jane de Chantal suggests: “Upon awakening in the morning, turn your thoughts to God Read more…